Welcome To BhajanSangrah.com

Revision as of 08:37, 1 September 2013 by Gcfpon (talk | contribs)

BhajanSangrah.com is a collection of songs found in the Bhajan Sangrah.

The sites aim is to offer access to the hymn in both Gujarati and in Phonetic English. We hope that we can add on music sheet and tunes of the songs together as a community.

The site is created in a similar format to Wikipedia.com so that as a community we can expand the collection of hymns with new additions of songs, tunes, music sheets (guitar/piano etc), and even history of the song/artist.

Get Started

  1. Search a song by its number
  2. Search a song by words inside the song
  3. Browse songs by chorus (Currently In Progress, You can help!)
  4. Browse songs by artist (Currently In Progress, You can help!)
  5. Browse songs by topic (Currently In Progress, You can help!)